================================= ProPOWER Utilities ProDOS(tm) Added Command Handlers by Bill Tudor ================================= NEMISYS Northeast Micro Systems 5C Kensington London Square Clifton Park, NY 12065 Tel. (518) 383-2858 ---------------------------- COPYRIGHT 1988 BY BILL TUDOR ALL RIGHTS RESERVED --------------------- Version 1.1 03/21/88 Price: $19 ================================= Table of Contents: Introduction.....................1 Installing the commands..........1 Using the commands...............2 The commands.....................3 POP........................3 BEEP.......................3 DATE.TIME.BEEP.............4 HOOK & UNHOOK..............5 MAP........................7 MONITOR....................8 ONLINE.....................9 ProCOPY....................9 SET.GET.INFO..............14 TYPE......................17 EJECT.....................19 DIRCMD....................19 SHOWTXT...................21 Technical Notes.................23 Selector System.................24 Date.System.....................26 Extras..........................27 Legal notes.....................29 Copyright 1988 NEMISYS Northeast Micro Systems === Page 1 === -------------------------------------------- <<<>>> This file does NOT contain the complete documentation of the programs. For complete documentation and the latest versions of the ProDOS added command files, send $19 to NEMISYS at the address listed above, or contact me on GEnie. The following is just a sample of the complete documentation (over 30 pages). These files have been provided on GEnie as a "preview" of the ProPOWER Utilities package. THEY MAY BE TRANSFERRED FREELY BUT NOT SOLD. They are all COPYRIGHT 1988 by Bill Tudor. In addition to more command files, the complete version of ProPOWER Utilities contains a program selector and ProDOS date setter (for those among you who still do not have a clock). I would greatly appreciate any comments and/or suggestions regarding the ProPOWER Utilities package. My goal in creating these command files was, as it always is, to provide good, compatible, and easy to use software for Apple II users. <<<>>> ------------------------------------------------ ============= Introduction: ============= ProPOWER Utilities is a collection of ProDOS added command handlers that allow you to add up to 17 NEW ProDOS commands to the BASIC.SYSTEM interpreter. Included are commands that allow you to copy files from directory to directory, inspect the information in a file, map free and used space on ANY ProDOS storage device, monitor ProDOS activity, use the system date and time, change file information, and much, much more. Once a ProDOS added command is installed, it is available for use both in immediate mode (from the BASIC prompt ']') and deferred mode (within a running BASIC program). The ProDOS added commands on this disk are all compatible with each other and can be installed in memory separately or all at the same time. They will also be === Page 2 === compatible with other added command handlers and ampersand (&) routines, provided these routines follow the proper protocol specified by Apple Computer, Inc. ======================== Installing the Commands: ======================== To install a command, simply BRUN the program. This can be done from either immediate mode or deferred mode (remember to preceed with a 'PRINT CHR$(4)' in deferred mode). For example, to install the TYPE command you would use: Immediate mode: Deferred mode: ]BRUN TYPE 10 PRINT CHR$(4);"BRUN TYPE" or or ]-TYPE 10 PRINT CHR$(4);"-TYPE" During installation, the program will load in at $4000 in memory, "buy" space from BASIC.SYSTEM, hook itself into the chain of external command handlers (if any), and relocate itself to a safe area of memory. Once installed, the added command is at your disposal until BASIC.SYSTEM is re-executed. For more information on ProDOS added command handlers, see ProDOS Technical Reference Manual, Apple Computer. Also, for some technical information on possible memory "collisions" during installation, see the 'technical notes' section of these instructions. You can install multiple commands by simply BRUNning other command handlers. For example, if you wish to have the commands COPY, MOVE, TYPE, MONITOR, and EJECT at your disposal, add them as follows (recall that ProDOS has a 'smart run' or dash <-> command that can be used instead of ): Immediate mode: Deferred mode: ]-PROCOPY 10 PRINT CHR$(4);"-PROCOPY" ]-TYPE 20 PRINT CHR$(4);"-TYPE" ]-MONITOR 30 PRINT CHR$(4);"-MONITOR" ]-EJECT 40 PRINT CHR$(4);"-EJECT" If there is not enough memory left for a new command to fit into memory, a NO BUFFERS AVAILABLE error message will be displayed. Refer to each specific command section for their memory use information. The amount of memory available for added commands depends on the size of any BASIC program that may currently be in memory. === Page 3 === =================== Using The Commands: =================== Once installed, an added command becomes a part of BASIC.SYSTEM until the system is re-booted (or BASIC.SYSTEM is re-run). The command is at your disposal in both immediate and deferred modes. To use a command in immediate mode, simply issue the command from the BASIC prompt (']') as you would any other ProDOS command (CATALOG, for example) using the syntax described in the next section. As an example, suppose the BEEP command was installed as described above. To use the command (it simply beeps the speaker), just issue it. Again you must preceed the command with a 'PRINT CHR$(4)' in deferred mode: Immediate mode: Deferred mode: ]BEEP 10 PRINT CHR$(4);"BEEP" Note that these commands are used in exactly the same manner that the "regular" ProDOS commands are used, e.g., to CATALOG a disk you would use: ]CATALOG 10 PRINT CHR$(4);"CATALOG" ============== The Commands: ============== <<<< Send $19 to NEMISYS for complete documentation. >>>> A brief description of the commands provided follows: TYPE - 'Types' ALL files (Txt, Awp, Bas, Bin, ect.) VIEW - 'Views' bytes in files SHOWTXT - 'Types' Txt files with forward/back scrolling Req's. 80-columns DATE.TIME.BEEP - Return date/time on screen or in variable Syntax:DATE or DATE DA$ ect. PROCOPY - COPYies or MOVEs ALL ProDOS files (including sparse files & single-drive copy) MONITOR - monitors ProDOS activity (MONITOR command toggles monitoring on/off) DIRCMD - Directory of entire volume EJECT - Eject 3.5" drives (it verifies 3.5" drive first) HOOK - 'HOOK'up and 'UNHOOK' ProDOS block devices === Page 4 === ============ Legal Notes: ============ COPYRIGHT: ---------- ProPOWER Utilities is COPYRIGHT 1988 by Bill Tudor. Send $19 to the address below and you will receive the complete ProPOWER Utilities package and a customer ID number which, among other things, allows you to receive upgrades and technical support. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY: ----------------------- The software in this package has been tested thoroughly, however, NEMISYS and/or the author shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use of this diskette, manual, or software beyond the purchase price of the product. ----------- === Page 5 === ProDOS is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. It has been licensed to Northeast Micro Systems (NEMISYS) for use with the ProPOWER Utilities package. AppleWorks is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. APPLE COMPUTER, INC. MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE ENCLOSED COMPUTER SOFTWARE PACKAGE, IT'S MERCHANTABILITY OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS NOT PERMITTED BY SOME STATES. THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY NO YOU. THIS WARRANTY PROVIDES YOU WITH SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. THERE MAY BE OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU MAY HAVE WHICH MAY VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. ========================== NEMISYS Northeast Micro Systems 5C Kensington London Square Clifton Park, NY 12065 Tel. (518) 383-2858 =========================== March 21, 1988 9:13 pm ProPOWER Utilities Ver 1.1